Not sure where this will go... I have very limited blogging experience... I'll keep it simple.
25 things about me to get this whole blogging thing under way...... here's the whirl.
1) I have impeccable timing at finding myself in just about any awkward situation. Its remarkable.
2) With as many nightmarish date stories I have been a part of, I know for a fact I am the center core of many more…..sorry.
3) I try real hard, and then some more. Persistence is my “M.O.” …..even when its only to beat a dead horse….and then beat it some more…and then again.
4) oh, that last one reminded me how I have this inability to STOP talking. I like to call it “zach’s -thirty-seconds-too-long” rule. I am enlisting ANYONE that is present at the time of my garble, to take any means necessary to pull the reigns of my awkward inflicting chatter! I’ll thank you later…
5) I am very competitive. I can’t think of much worse than coming in second place. Just the sound of succumbing to the word I “can’t” is hard to swallow…and that sounds contradicting now that I read through, because I used “can’t” twice….well now three.
6) So a mushroom walks into a bar. Asks the bartender for a heavy drink. Bartender says “why the long face Mushroom? Drinking won’t solve things, bud”Mushroom says “Tell me what will!? I mean, I’ve got no friends. No girl…It’s just not fair!..and you know what sucks!? personally I think that at the end of the day I’m a pretty FUNGI”- if you know me, you would know how I enjoy bad jokes….and the incessant need to repeat them, or to use a play of words on gift ideas.
7) I love movies. Like I really love movies….I repeat lines after a movie in the car while I’m driving, and play roles of the different characters. I can get so involved in this, that I miss my exit, or driveway. I’d see movies in a car. I’d see movies in a box with a fox. I’d see movies in a house. I’d see movies with a mouse…
8) I am scared of rodents.
9) I guess while I am omitting such truths about myself….something like 9 years back I “found” some money, and did not return it. It wasn’t more than a few bucks, but I should have returned it. “One of the hardest things in this world is to admit you are wrong. And nothing is more helpful in resolving a situation than its frank admission.”(Disraeli)… Honesty has since then been my ultimate policy. Trust is the hardest to gain, and the easiest to lose.
10) Before I die, I have to go to Australia. I want to start at “Possession Island”, and then backpack along the eastern coastline…. It’s been an infatuation of mine since I was like 6- to go to Australia, and see a platypus in its natural habitat….seriously.
11) I have three awesome brothers. Christopher, Jackie, and Rap-master V ;)
12) I’ve wanted to be a lot of things, and a superhero is one of them. I’m still waiting for that spider bite, or the chance to play submarine in a barrel of toxic goo.
13) Each time I visit this coffee shop (I’m there currently) there is this women …and she scares the “be-geeby’s” out of me! She is sitting catty-corner to me right now, and reaching into the air chanting….and she has 2 cups of coffee, a juice, and a bottled water, and a glass of tap water lined up in a row just for herself… Like always, she’ll fall asleep in her chair soon.
14) I’d do anything in my power to help a person in need. Friend, even foe…Family, or stranger. Every job I’ve shared, has been to “help”. I’ve always wanted to make a difference, and I live to lend a hand to others.
15) My friends are dear to me. I’ve been fortunate enough to have so many close ones… with that, I am the luckiest person I know.
16) I like to paint. Not great at it, but it’s something that I enjoy…
17) ok ….so I’ve always have had this dream to act one day. I want to be in movies! I want to help produce, and direct a movie! It’s going to happen.
18) Zachary. It’s my name. Zach with an “h” is fine, but I really like to be called Zachary.
19) I am very sensitive. I let the small things drag me down..and initially I’ve felt somewhat lost. BUT reflecting on those times, it seems like I’ve managed a way to pick myself up, and move on. It catches me to surprise…it’s that whole persistent thing I guess.
20) I think I should heed my friends advice and stop accepting so many girls as “just friends”.. I have a lot of ‘em… and that’s cool, but SOMETIMES it’s not all that conducive. But I love the “girl-friend-friends” I do have. They are like sisters, and that’s cool as shit! Just don’t need any more than I’ve already got!
21) the New England Patriots are my team. A record of 11-5, and NO playoff spot!? ?! Are you kidding me!??! The league better watch out next year… They are out for blood.
22) words of advice to those who pondered the thought : DO NOT buy cheese for a girl on a first date. DO NOT give a girl an instrument in a means to court her. If you don’t have a car, a job, or a place to call your own, and instead reside on your friends’ parents’ couch …well, it’s probably safe to say, that right now is better than any time, to reassess your priorities – I think dating may not be the most ideal.All of these, plus many more are bad moves. NOTE: a psychotic stripper with an angry fiance` and mother of a small child/ children, that were all unbeknown to you prior to becoming barely clothed on her couch, are not always the smoothest sailing either...i'd avoid that situation if given the chance again. And do not fall into the trap of fixing a broken appliance while on a first date. Its not a really will be sweating to fix the vacuum cleaner or such,(for example) while she watches television.
23) I am a vulture to fruit. If someone has a bag of grapes, a bowl of strawberries, a Tupperware of melon, I’ll be there.
24) Chicken and rice. Rice and chicken… It’s all good!
25) I cough, but it’s not contagious….at least as far as we know.
Referring to post 25, let me elaborate: this is a bad time to have CF..I mean, it's not that any other day is better then the next or anything...but because this is swine flu season, people automatically assume I've got it and they're going to catch it. I feel bad! I wouldn't want to use the equipment at the gym after some guy was hacking alung all over it! anyhow.....
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